Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Favourite 45 by Daniel Wylie, Singer/Songwriter

Daniel Wylie has released dozens of feel good, shimmering, summery pop classics over the years, both as former lead singer of the Cosmic Rough Riders and now as a solo star. His third solo album, ‘Car Guitar Star’ will be released in the UK on Neon Tetra on August 18th. For the prefect introduction to his work the recent 'best of' is recommended. The album compiles his solo work alongside his best work with the Cosmic Rough Riders. You can also read an old CRR interview with Daniel in our Archive section.

RSG! asked Daniel to pick out one his favourite tracks for our ever expanding 'My Favourite 45' feature and he opted for this obscure seasonal number from the seventies stage show, ‘Hair’.

Good Morning Sunshine by Oliver

“I first heard this song when I was 10 years old" says Daniel, "A few of my cousins and I were on our way to Glasgow Green carnival, counting our money to see how many rides we could afford to go on”.

“My cousin Anne had a little battery operated hand held radio with her and we were listening to Radio 1. It was a warm, sunny day and suddenly on came this amazing song with a melody sent from Heaven”.

“Originally from the musical, "Hair", there's a real melancholia mixed in with the happiness on this song, which in later years I found out is a difficult mood to capture in a song”.

“Some of the lyrics are plain dumb but isn't that true about a lot of the best pop music? Glibby glib glooby...”

“I still get the same feeling of euphoria when I listen to this song now as I did back then and am instantly transported back to that moment, walking along Old Rutherglen Road past the bowling green when this magical song came on the radio.”

“My children are also fans of the song since it's inclusion in an episode of The Simpsons”.

For more information on Daniel Wylie go to

To purchase Car Guitar Star click

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