Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My favourite 45 by Steve Luigi, DJ

RSG! has been asking our favourite bands, DJs and fellow music junkies to pick a favourite 45s from their personal record collection and tell us why they treasure the slab of vinyl so much. Leeds based Legendary DJ, Steve Luigi is perhaps more famous for his reputation as a house music DJ on the dance scene but Steve's first love is for Northern Soul. "My favourite Soul track of all time would be VERY hard to choose as there are so many, but to pick one that make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up out of the literally thousands, I would have to choose 'Mike Post Coalition - Afternoon on the Rhino'" says Steve.

"The reason for me choosing this track is because it has always baffled me as to why someone would take a huge orchestra into a studio to record a random track that was not a theme tune for any film or program that I know of, but just for the sake of it".

"Can you imagine being in the studio when the track was recorded? WOW! The track is so full of energy from start to finish. And what type of music is it? It wasn't made as a Northern Soul record as there was no such term when it was made, so why was it recorded and to what end, it can't have made much money on the commercial scene?"

"All these factors add to the mystery and brilliance of this track. If you don't tap your feet when this track is being played, Check your pulse!!!"

For more info on Steve Luigi check out

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